Thursday, January 11, 2007

Week 23: Thinking of you

Good morning,

I just came back from my first interview, it went well but the job wasn't a good fit, don't want to say much more about it, will make me kinda sad. Anyhow, I'm writing because the last fews days I've been thinking about you even more than usual! About how it's going to be like to see you look into my eyes, your father. Luke I am your No really, imagine the first time you are crying and me picking you up comforts you, or you seeing me nearby comforts you? Amazing, and something I look forward to very much. I have no illusions about how tough being a parent will be, but also can't wait for you to join your mommy and I, but no rush! Last night your mommy and I read to you again, one of I hope your favorites, Curdoroy. I know it's one of my favorites! Oh and did I mention how excited I am that we're going to New Mexico in a couple days? I've never been, and neither have you! Mommy has, which is good, so she can be our guide. Hope things in mommy's belly have been ok. Love you.
