Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Week 22: A New Life

Hi O,

It's Daddy, I'm taking a break from organizing our new apartment because I haven't written to you in a while, although I think of you all the time! I've done like a hundred loads of laundry, as your Mommy would say, "laundry for days." Still got a few more but can see sofa that was covered in clothes to wash when we first moved stuff in to the apartment, I knew it was under there, at least I hoped. lol. Anyways, things are ok with me, little worried about getting a job, and come Monday think I'm going to try to get a temporary job doing anything until I get a better job. You know staying at home isn't the fun one might think it is! Especially when the apartment needs so much work. I feel like all I do is move stuff from one room to another and until I throw out some stuff feel like I haven't been holding up my share, while your Mommy on the other hand, pregnant with you no less, is hard at work. Love you O and hope you know I'm trying my hardest to support you and Mommy as best I can. In the recent ultrasound you looked so big! Poor Mommy has been feeling you poke her and sometimes it bothers her, but we know you don't mean to hurt Mommy, unless you hear her say mean things to Daddy, then poke away! Love you and see you soon O.
