Thursday, January 25, 2007

Week 25: Tuna fish

Hi again O. :)

I just finished having lunch. I had a tuna fish sandwich. It was really yummie and I already had fish twice this week so that's good. Fish has all these goods things in it like omega-3 fatty acids that will make you a stronger baby.

Do you know that Mommie used to be a vegetarian? I became a vegetarian a few months before I turned 18. I wasn't very healthy about it at first and just ate a lot of junk food because it was convenient. After a few years though I started eating lots of soy proteins and things like tempeh and cutting down on junk food. After a few months I didn't miss meat and found lots of yummie things to eat.

What happened? Well, I started craving fish last year. I hadn't really craved fish in the 8 years I had been a vegetarian so I took it as a sign that maybe my body was lacking something found in fish. I started adding flax seed oil and flax seeds to things I cooked (they have omega-3 fatty acids) and thought that would help but it didn't. I was really starting to crave tuna fish and thought that maybe it was just the taste I was craving so I thought about getting some Tuno. It's vegetarian tuna but the thought of eating it grossed me out.

I kept debating whether I should eat fish for months because I really felt bad for fishies and still do. It's one thing if they're down in the ocean and another fish or animal eats them but for us to farm all these little fishies and mess up their natural environment made me sad. It all came to a head on a trip to San Francisco this past July. I was determined to eat fish and on my last night there we went to a Cuban fusion restaurant and I ordered a whole fish, with eyeballs and all. Here is a picture of him:

Rest in peace, Mr. Fish

I thanked him for giving up his life and then dug in. He was so delicious! Ever since then I haven't been a vegetarian. I still haven't eaten poultry or other meats or even other seafood but I have been having fish every few weeks. I hope it helps you out a little bit, O.

Love you!