Thursday, January 18, 2007

Week 24: New Mexico Day #3

This was our last day in New Mexico. We were sad to leave Santa Fe. We woke up around 7:30am after sleeping for about 11 hours. Yes, 11 hours...we were sleepy. Sometime during the middle of the night the heat had stopped working and it was cold in the room. It wouldn't get above 54 degrees. Well, at least we had heat for most of the time in our room. We got our stuff packed, cleaned the room and got dressed to face the cold (layers of everything, pants, socks, shirts, etc.) and headed for breakfast at the hotel. We had seen that they had a make your own waffles station and were excited to use it. We got into the breakfast area and made waffles and had a few other things (bagels too) and then went back to the room to get our stuff and bring it to the car to then check out.

It was pretty cold outside, much colder than the day before but we still wanted to hike up to the Cross of the Martyrs. The hike is pretty easy but Mommie was a little bit short of breath so we had to stop a few times. It was beautiful at the top and we could see all of Santa Fe.

After Cross of the Martyrs, we hopped in the car and headed out to the Santuario de Guadalupe cathedral. We got there and the doors were locked. We started walking to another entrance and then someone came out to say they had just opened and to come in. The Santuario was beautiful and it's the oldest shrine in the US dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe. We said prayers again at the Santuario and lit more candles.

The reason for the small door is because the Spanish priests forced the indigenous people of the area to attend mass and wanted them to bow their heads when they entered the cathedral. Lots of indigenous people refused to do this so the Spanish created this small door so that everyone would have to bow to get in. Evil, evil.

After the Santuario we headed back into town to pick up a few souvenirs. We went to the Five & Dime and picked out some postcards and snacks for the plane ride. It was lunch time by then and we were so excited to go to this new tapas restaurant in town called La Boca. The problem was that it was lunch time and we couldn't find any parking in downtown Santa Fe. After driving around a bit we found parking a block from the restaurant. We finally got to the restaurant and there was note on the door that it was closed until that night because of a water pipe that broke, from the cold I imagine. So sad. We got back into the car and headed to Bert's Burger Bowl and got yummie ham/veggie burgers and fries.

It was time to leave Santa Fe. We got a few snacks from Wild Oats and headed onto 1-25 towards Albuquerque. We were sad to leave Santa Fe but we'll visit again someday. Maybe in a RV with you, sweetie.

Mommie & Daddy sad to leave New Mexico.

Views from 1-25 South

We returned our car rental and walked over to the shuttle but Mommie had forgotten her coat in the car so Daddy ran back and got it for me. We got to the airport and checked in and waited for our plane to arrive.

Views from the plane

Daddy resting on the plane

Our flight to Dallas was only about an hour long. Once we got to Dallas, Daddy ran to our connecting flight gate to try to get us seated together. Mommie waddles and had to go to the bathroom so Daddy went ahead of me. I went to the bathroom for the millionth time that day and then went to get some food. I went to Pizza Hut Express and got some breadsticks. The nice woman that worked there had made some extra pizzas and gave me one for free and also a free drink. So sweet! Daddy says it's because she saw that I was pregnant but I don't think so. I finally got to your Daddy and he had gotten our seats switched. This guy named Garza had his seat switched with mine and they paged him to tell him but he didn't hear them I think. We were waiting for the plane to board and there was a young man standing next to us. Daddy knew it was the Garza guy and it turned out to be him! Daddy is psychic.

People waiting to board the plane were a little crazy. Some had spent the night in the airport because flights from Dallas had been cancelled the day before. Your Daddy and I got in line and there was a Mommie who would not let the flight attendants check her stroller in. She got all loud with them and said she would give them the stroller later. We sat in our seats and then another couple came to sit down in the row across from us but there were people sitting there already. They were not happy about that and wouldn't just sit in seats that were empty. There was a whole mess but finally everyone got seats that they wanted. There was a cute little baby in the row across from us that kept looking at us and smiling. She must have known I was carrying a baby and was trying to say hi to you. I know you're all part of a special club.

Daddy and I played cards again and again I beat him. They were also showing TV shows on this plane and your Daddy and I had been smart and brought our headphones. We watched some David Letterman and a few other shows which made time go by really quickly. We got off the plane at around 11:20pm and got our luggage. Then we had to go pick up Daddy's car in the long term parking lot. Luckily the shuttle bus came quickly and the driver dropped us off right next to the car and even waited to make sure it started since it was so cold! It was really cold but the car started and after a little while warming it up we headed home and arrived home at about 1am. It was such a fun trip, O. I hope you enjoyed it. We'll take you back someday. Love you!