Thursday, January 25, 2007

Week 25: Almost there

Hi O,

Your Mommy and I were talking about how close you are to coming to see us and real soon you'll be due in less than 100 days! Double digit days! Crazy! Things have been ok with me, almost done with first week of work, and it hasn't been that bad. It's getting real cold tonight, and tomorrow is supposed to be freezing! Lucky for you it's probably real warm inside Mommy! Your Titi Lucy, my older sister, turned 35 yesterday! Did you think of her? I'm sure you would have had you known it was her birthday, but I don't think I or your Mommy ever told you, sorry. Soon another Titi of yours, Titi Tatiana will have her birthday, around when your birthday (literally, BIRTH-DAY) is. Her birthday is May 14th. Oh and did I mention my birthday is May 6th? Crazy huh? So many birthdays around the same time. Can't wait to see you and hope things are going well, love you sooo much. Chat soon.
