Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Week 22: Kicks for Days

Hi O. :)

So remember how much I wanted to feel your kicks in the past few weeks? Well, I'm feeling them all the time now and sometimes they hurt! Yesterday at work you decided to snuggle right under my left ribcage and I felt a lot of pokes during the day. You weren't moving around much at all so you must have fallen asleep. The other day I felt a poke on my right hand side so hard that I had to get up from bed and I think I scared your Daddy.

At our last ultrasound you were in child's pose position for most of the time, like this:

Is that how you sleep? I hope you're having fun in there and that you have enough room to move around for now because you won't very soon.

Yesterday after work your Daddy picked me up and we went to Target to pick up a few things for the apartment. When we got home I took a bath and it felt so nice to be in there and made my back feel much better. Your Daddy has also been giving me massages which is great. After that I made tacos with veggie ground "beef" and we sat down to eat at the kitchen table. Your Daddy was crazy busy yesterday and the apartment is looking so nice already.

Last night was Latin Night at the Iron Horse and I thought about going but at 10pm we had just finished eating and I looked over at your Daddy and then I looked at me. We were both wearing a sweatshirt and pajama pants and I thought maybe this is not the week to go. Your Daddy said we could still go that he just had to put his Tims on so that we could do our signature move on the dance floor. Our move is kinda like how guys do with their chest when they score a point, only instead of our chest, we do it with our bellies. We'll have to show you sometime.

Since it was getting pretty late we headed to bed. Your Daddy read The Big Con: The Story of the Confidence Man by David he trying to learn how to be a conman?

Mommie read Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy which is really funny and talks about the ups and downs of pregnancy.

Speaking of which, Mommie has been very emotional lately. I'm generally very happy most of the time but I can start crying at the drop of a hat. I hope it's the hormones. Your Daddy has been very supportive and given me lots of tissues (see, now I'm crying again). We're very lucky to have him in our lives, little O.

It's time for us to eat lunch sweetie. I love you. :)

(22 weeks, 1 day)