Thursday, January 4, 2007

Week 22: Life at the casa

Hi sweet pea. :)

How are you doing in there? You have been moving around a lot in the last little bit...maybe it's all the Hershey Kisses I had.

We're home now. Mommie has been very tired so we took a nap when we got home from work. While I was sleeping, Daddy made dinner for us: rice, fish and platanos. Yummie! There was a small mishap in the kitchen and we learned that our smoke detectors do indeed work. Our downstairs neighbor came to see if everything was okay so we got to meet her. She seems really nice and told us we can ask her if we need anything.

Your Daddy is playing XBox right now. He likes to be a manager on NBA Live and pick the players and all that stuff. It's very cute, he gets really into it. I wonder if you'll like video games.

We were reading Goodnight Little Mouse to you last night again and Mommie got the giggles. There's a part that says that foxes bark and your Daddy said, "foxes are sly, they don't bark" and that we shouldn't be lying to you. Luckily though, according to Fox Watch Ireland:

Can foxes bark?

Foxes are sometimes known to bark exactly like dogs when warning cubs of danger. Most of the time though, vocalisation is very different from any other canid, the fox having a more higher and dragged out voice that has the distinct sound of something from the wild.

Good, I'm glad we're not lying to you. It is kind of a weird book, it's probably why I like it so much. Well, we might go for a short walk so I'll say bye for now. I love you!

(22 weeks, 2 days)