Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Week 38: Uncomfy

Good morning sweet pea :)

You're awake right now...moving around a lot. I have been having trouble getting comfortable so haven't been sleeping very well. I try to lie on my left side but then my arm becomes numb after a little bit and then I try to lie on your Daddy's shoulder but he is so warm sweetie! He's like a little inferno and then I get too hot really quickly and have to turn back on my left side. This happens a million times each night and then when I think I might be getting a bit comfy I have to get up to go to the bathroom. Crazyness! It's okay though...it's well worth it.

So my hospital bag, Daddy's bag, and your bag are all in the trunk of our car now ready to go. I was making a list of what was in my bag so I wouldn't have to ask Daddy if I had packed something at the hospital and it started to make me feel really nervous and a bit nauseous.

I finished reading Rebecca Walker's new book, baby love, a few nights ago. She was planning on having an unmedicated birth as well but she said it hurt so bad that she had to get an epidural. Her baby also came out a bit sick because he had swallowed some meconium and had to be in the hospital for a month to recover. Ahhhh! Good book though...I probably should have read it after your birth.

Your Daddy got all these health tests yesterday and apparently he doesn't have enough "good" cholesterol and his blood pressure was a bit high. We need to get him to eat more avocados! We went to Whole Foods last night and got him some flax seed oil capsules that are supposed to help. Send him good energy little O, he has a second round interview today at noon. Good luck Daddy! I have to get back to work but I love you sweetie. Hope you get some rest.
