Sunday, April 15, 2007

Week 36: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Dear Baby,

It's going to be raining all day, along with sleet and snow and it's April 15th! I'm hoping that the weather will be beautiful when you are born. I haven't written in a while so here goes. It's been extremely busy at work. Things may dramatically change next year. Right now, my position, along with that of about 250 employees, has been closed. So I'm not sure where I will be teaching next year. I've been working at the same school for 23 years and it's sad to leave, but I believe it's in God's hands.

Last week was your baby shower and we had a chance to share with a wonderful group of people. Your Titi Lucy brought some wonderful ideas for preparing a scrap book for you and your parents. I was surprised to see everyone so involved cutting and pasting the scrap page they created Your uncle Toti had a poloroid camera and allowed everyone to use it so they could place their pictures on the page they made. It was so nice to meet daddy's aunts Rosa and Carmen and Uncle Angel. Ray came from New York and Titi Margie and cousin Mindy came from New Jersey. Your Titis Tatiana and Kyrsten of course were busy making their scrap page beautiful, as was your Papa Cesar, and Gay, Titi Lisa's mother. Your Grandma Mayela was so helpful with everything and Grandpa Jorgensen quickly made aquaintences with everyone. He was not feeling well, but he didn't want to miss the celebration.

Well, Titi Lisa along with Titi Jomaira and Lucy brainstormed this shower. There was a lot of planning and everything looked great. Your cousins Jalil and Yasmin had a lot of fun with your cousin Mehki. Uncle Jon helped out so much with bringing the food trays and taking great pictures. He stayed and helped clean up and then had to report to work. Dona Rebecca and Dona Aurora were there - these two ladies used to baby sit mommie when she was little. All in all, there were caring people at your shower. Mrs. Johnson, a teacher that has known mommie forever, commented on how welcomed she felt and on what your Grandpa Jorgensen said, "We are two families that have now become one."

Mommie and daddy are busy getting everything ready for the "big day." They are doing such a good job and are so happy. Little One, I know I've told this before, but you are blessed to have these parents. They have done everything in their power to get ready for you and they have done it with the greatest love possible. May God continue to watch over the three of you!

Much Love!
Lela Carmen

P.S. Oh, I forgot to tell you - I'm on vacation again. Happy, happy, joy, joy!

(36 weeks, 5 days)