Sunday, April 15, 2007

Week 36: Not done yet...

Rain or shine Mommy and Daddy are busy, busy doing things for you! Today was no different when while the weather was bad, rain/snow, we went to get a few more things for you. I hope you don't come too soon since while we are getting close to having everything ready for you, we need another week or so. So relax O, please. Mommy has been feeling you a lot lately, I hope this doesn't mean you are rushing out to be with us!

Things have been ok, we've got the apartment all set for you. It's almost as if it's your apartment now and your Mommy and I are just visiting! We have a changing table, a bassinet, a swing, and a little cubbie for your clothes. Speaking of clothes, we have tons for you! My Titi Carmen had given us a bunch of used clothes and your Lela Carmen and Titi Lisa had bought some used clothes for you, then of course there was the clothes that people bought for you and gave to you on your baby shower, and then the used clothes your Mommy and I bought for you. It's so much clothes it takes forever to wash it all, and most of it has already been washed! Tomorrow we hope to have your car seat installed by a Firefighter that has been trained on installing them, most people don't do it properly you know and I can't take that chance.

I've been a little sick of late and not feeling great, but can't stop getting things ready for you. I couldn't sleep in yesterday, I tried so hard. Today I woke up again at 6am, without an alarm, and after playing XBox for an hour made myself go back to bed to be with Mommy. It was nice, I slept another hour or so. Right now I'm waiting for more of your clothes to dry to fold with your Mommy and put away in your little cubbie. It's so funny to think that when I bought and made this cubbie, in North Carolina, for my old apartment I never would have imagined it would be for my future child! Crazy! A little while ago your Mommy was showing me pictures of us before you started growing inside Mommy or soon after you started growing and I can't help but feel super lucky that your Mommy, an amazingly caring, intelligent, and beautiful woman, was interested in me! Well gotta run, to do your laundry! Love you.
