Monday, April 2, 2007

Week 34: The HOME stretch

Hi O,

Got through the weekend and boy was it great! Your Mommy had her conference and I helped a little bit, but mostly got to enjoy the hard work of everybody at Mommy's job. It was a great time. So much I liked I don't know where to start. I think the abortion speakout, where women talk of their experience getting an abortion was like nothing I've ever witnessed. Women of all ages and backgrounds got up in front of hundreds of people and revealed a very private thing. I think it's good for people not to hide having an abortion because if you do, it makes it seem like it's something to be ashamed of, tucked away in the closet to never be mentioned. As long as abortion is viewed as a shameful act, women can't truly heal from the experience and are treated as second class women because of it. I also went to a workshop talking about women in prison and the alternatives to incarceration, got to hear some wonderful speakers, met a bunch of cool people, and got to see some great performances. One of the entertainers were the Raging Grannies, a group of grandmothers that sing songs, mostly political, as a form of protest. They were great! I hope your Mommy will one day be a Raging Granny!

After all the work at the conference, yesterday we finally picked out a crib for you! It was tough, you know we only want the best for you, at a reasonable cost of course. Then as if picking a crib wasn't stressful, we get home and I decide to start cleaning and rearranging the room where you might sleep and this developed into an all night affair. Your Mommy actually surprised me by outdoing me last night on the cleaning front. I think come your baby shower, this weekend (oh my God!) we should have the apartment all set for you, but again don't rush out to join us, relax for another 5 weeks ok.

In between my cleaning your Mommy took me out to dinner at this nice pizza place where we had a yummy caesar salad and a "white pie," your Mommy and I both like white pizza, I wonder if you will? We thought about renting a movie, but thankfully didn't because otherwise who knows how much cleaning we would have got done? Your Titi Tatiana is supposed to be coming to stay with us a few days after our babyshower, can't wait to hang out with her.

Oh and your Mommy and you are fine, that's what the midwives tell us. What else? Did I mention that the more I live with your Mommy the more I feel like I'm falling in love with her all over again? Ya, she is just so amazing O. Oh another thing, it's almost official that your Mommy and I have decided to give you my last name, that's right you will be either Octavio or Isabella Fernandez, the middle names haven't been decided yet, any input you want to contribute?

Another thing, thought you should know that your Daddy is excited about the baseball season starting, the Red Sox (the team you naturally will like most, you better!) on paper appear to be pretty solid this year, hopefully they can win a ton of games and win a championship so I can say you brought them good luck, since you were born the year they won a championship. At work and got to run but love you tons and chat later.

(34 weeks, 6 days)