Sunday, April 8, 2007

Week 35: Awake now

Hi little O! :)

It's a month until your due date!! I can't believe it, O. You must be so big in there already.

Your Mommie didn't do much today...I was really tired. Your baby shower was so much fun yesterday. Your family worked so hard to get everything set up so well. Everything was so pretty and yummie. Thank you to everyone who made it happen!

Your Titis and Lela Carmen were at the church where it took place until midnight Friday night setting up...crazy! All this for you, O. Everyone is so excited to see you. I was really happy because we played lots of GAMES at the shower. There was a baby word scramble, guess how many M&Ms in a jar, and guess how big Mommie's tummy is. Many people really overestimated how big I was, I must look really huge! :)

There was so much yummie food yesterday at the shower. Lela Carmen made arroz con gandules and potato salad and there were all types of chicken, kielbasa, stuffed shells, turkey, macaroni and cheese, rolls, ham and a really delicious cake from an italian bakery in Hartford. Plus there were all these snacks as well. The church was decorated in all these pretty pastels and there were balloons and favors everywhere. It was so pretty. The shower took place at Lela Carmen's church.

Something that really touched me was that everyone was asked to make a page for a scrapbook that your Titi Lucy got us. Everyone got really into and spent such a long time working on their pages. Your Daddy and I looked through the book today and it's amazing. I'm sure you'll really treasure it. People also wrote their wishes and advice for you which we'll read to you when you come out.

Like your Daddy said everyone was so generous and got so many things for you. Your Daddy and I opened your gifts in front of everyone with the help of your cousin Yasmin and we were so overwhelmed with all the gifts. You're all set O! We have everything we need for you. Thank you again to everyone...we can't tell you how much it means to us.

This morning your Daddy and I slept a bit and then got up but I got tired again so went to read in bed and ended up sleeping a few hours. When I got up Daddy and I watched the movie Babel which was so sad but really beautiful and then I took another nap and woke up at 7pm. Sleepy sleepy Mommie. Oh, and you had the hiccups again last night. Your Daddy felt bad because right before we went to bed he said I wish O had the hiccups again and I guess you were trying to make him happy because a little bit later you got the hiccups. They didn't last too long though.

Going to sleep in a little while. I have a midwife appointment tomorrow morning to check my blood pressure. I hope it's lower than it was on Friday. Love you so so much O. Hope you sleep well tonight.

(35 weeks, 5 days)