Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Week 37: Happy Cumplesemana!

Good evening, O! :)

Happy 37th week birthday!!!

You are now a full term baby!

According to Parenting, you're 6 ½ pounds and 21 inches long. You're learning what it's like to breathe, inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid to perfect your skills. You can also suck your thumb, turn your head, swallow, blink, and grasp.

I can't believe you're full term, sweetie. This time felt so far away. I would look at the counter at the bottom of this blog that says how many days are left until you join us and it felt like it would be years until this time. You're still moving around a lot but not as much as before and it feels different now. I love you so much sweetie. I was picking up your Dad from work today and was kind of surprised to see your car seat in the back seat. Sometimes it feels like you're not completely real because I've been pregnant with you for what feels like so long now. The car seat and having our place full of your things makes it seems a bit more real but still not completely. I just can't imagine that I have this little human inside of me (you) and that you're going to come out and look a certain way and act a certain way. It's really amazing. I look at people so differently now because I know that they've all been through this process at some time. At some point they lived off of their mommie and inside of them. We're all interconnected through this experience and it makes me feel so much closer to everyone.

This is what you look like inside of Mommie right now:

This is what Mommie looks like right now:

Happy Cumplesemana sweetie! We'll see you in a few weeks lovie.
