Monday, April 2, 2007

Week 34: Rested

Hi little O :)

How are you doing in there? Right now one of your body parts is sticking out of my uterus. I can't quite figure out what it is but you must be packed in there. We were able to sleep in late this morning. I didn't get up until 9:30 this morning. I took my time getting ready and didn't get into work until 11:30. It was so nice. No one else was in the office today so I got a lot of work done.

Last night your Daddy and I worked on your birth plan. It's this form we have to fill out from the hospital telling them what we wish for your birth. We decided to not get your Hepatitis B shot at the hospital because we think it'll be better to wait. Daddy wants to cut your umbilical cord and also try to catch you if possible. We'll see about that.

Your Daddy was so helpful this weekend. He always is but he was especially helpful. I couldn't have made it through this weekend without him. Everyone at my job really loves him too and thinks I'm really lucky.

I got to work at 7am on Friday morning for a day long meeting I coordinate for staff at social justice organizations around the country. That finished at 4pm and then the conference started. I went home for about half an hour then came back. Lela Carmen had come and we had dinner and then attended the Abortion Speakout. Like your Daddy said this is a time when women who have had abortions can share their experience. For some women it's the first time they have ever told anyone they had an abortion and as such it can be a very healing experience. There were a lot of tears but I think your Daddy and Lela Carmen really liked it. After the speakout we said bye to Lela Carmen and went home.

On Saturday we woke up early for day 2 of the conference. We had breakfast and then I got to introduce speakers for the Saturday plenary. The speakers were all social justice activists from different fields (immigration, anti-war, HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, youth rights, LGBT, etc.). After that we had lunch and then staffed the registration table. A few hours later I moderated a workshop and then headed home because I was so tired.

Sunday morning we staffed the registration table again and I got to hear some of the Sunday plenary. It was a great weekend. Oh, and my boss got me and Daddy a gift certificate for a 2 night stay at a Bed & Breakfast in Newburyport, Massachusetts for all of our hard work. We're going to try to go in a few weeks before you come out...I can't wait!

I also got to see my boss Mia's baby this weekend as well. He's 2 months old now and is huge. She gave us a bunch of clothes and G Diapers (!) for you that he has outgrown. Eduardo has already tried on some of the pieces. Yay!

I went to Prenatal Yoga tonight but class was cancelled so Daddy and I are going to go to the gym in a little bit. I love you sweetie!
