Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Week 37: "Full Term" reached!

As of today you are officially "full term" and should have no problems health wise if you come out and join us at any time, but waiting another 3 weeks wouldn't hurt you either. This weekend we continued getting things ready for you and yesterday with the help of Mommy I installed your car seat. It was pretty easy thanks to the fact that my car, our car I should say, has these handy latches to not only make the installation easier but more secure as well! Who needs the fire department to install a car seat! Speaking of which, the fire department was busy where we live because there was record flooding, thankfully it didn't affect us though. It was funny while installing your car seat we had Eduardo test it and a neighbor of ours thought he was you!

Installed car seat!

Eduardo testing it out

I've been more tired of late, probably not a good thing to be so tired BEFORE you join us, so hope to rest more in a few days when things are 99% done in prep for you. Like Mommy said she's been feeling you more of late, maybe you're trying to drop, and it has been a little more uncomfortable for her but she's a soldier and has taken it in stride. She's so amazing, all women that give birth are! Well at work now so can't chat much but talk to you soon. Love you.
