Monday, April 9, 2007

Week 35: Big day

Hi sweet pea :)

We had a midwife appointment today and Mommie's blood pressure is back to normal. Yay! I have to try to lay on my left hand side twice a day for an hour each time to keep it normal and make sure I drink lots of liquids. At today's appointment Suzanne tried to listen to your heartbeat and you weren't very happy about it. As soon as she put the doppler on me you kicked and moved so she couldn't hear your heartbeat. Then she had to spend a few minutes trying to find where you had gone but she finally found your beat. It was really pretty and strong. You decided to hide under my ribs for the rest of the day and that wasn't too comfy. The midwives have to hear your heartbeat sweetie to make sure you are aokay. It's going to happen again at our appointment on Friday so be prepared.

Daddy & I both took today off of work and did a bunch of things that all had to do with you. My favorite thing was putting your stroller/car seat together today. We tested it out on's so cute! Daddy is going to get the police department at his school to install your car seat to make sure it's really secure.

Daddy working on the basket

Eduardo snug in the car seat

Your Titi Tatiana is visiting us for a few days while she's in the area. She's a bit tired though so in bed already. Here is a picture of your Daddy eating dinner tonight...he's adorable!

We're going to start getting ready for bed now so nighty night little O. I hope you sleep a bit tonight because you didn't at all last night...restless like your Daddy? I love you!
