Thursday, April 12, 2007

Week 36: Tired Mommie

Hi little O! :)

I love you so much sweetie. You've been pretty quiet this morning. Are you getting your rest for the big day? It was great meeting with Jen last night. She makes me feel really reassured that everything is going to be fine. In the hospital room it's only going to be you, me, Daddy and Jen and the various medical people (midwives, nurses, etc.). In the wild, if there are too many animals around an animal giving birth the animal will stall the process. This happens to humans too so I want to make it as relaxed as possible in the room for you and me which means not having too many people coming in and out or waiting for you nearby. If I could I would give birth at home but for insurance purposes that's not possible so I'm going to make the hospital room as homey as possible.

We have so many things to pack for your arrival! I have no idea what I'm going to wear. Should I wear the hospital gowns or should I wear clothes? Daddy keeps insisting that he wants to catch you when you come out...he's so cute. Do you want Daddy to catch you? Jen said that Daddy had to be careful because you're going to be very slippery. I hope he doesn't drop you.

Tomorrow afternoon we have a midwife appointment and then hopefully we'll get your car seat installed. Things are really busy at work but I'm taking it easy because I'm a bit tired. I can't wait to meet you. Love you!
