Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Week 38: Happy Cumplesemana!

Hi O!

Happy 38th week birthday!!!

According to Pampers, you're probably closing in on 19.5 to 20 inches, and your weight is nearing 7 pounds.

Eighty-five percent of babies are born within two weeks of their due date, so I'll probably give birth sometime in the next four weeks.

You are shedding lanugo, the fine hair that's covered your body for months. You may have some of it left on your shoulders, forehead, and neck when you're born. You'll also have lost most, if not all, of the vernix, the creamy wax-like substance that's protected your skin from the amniotic fluid.

So what happens to the cast-off vernix and lanugo? Some of it ends up in your intestines, where it becomes part of the meconium. Meconium is the greenish-black, tarry substance that will make up your first bowel movement after you're born. It also consists of dead cells, amniotic fluid, and waste products from your liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. Your kidneys are filtering some waste too, but they won't be functioning fully until after birth.

Here is what you look like inside of Mommie this week:

Here is what Mommie looks like this week:

You're so big sweetie! Love you so so much. We can't wait to see you!