Thursday, April 12, 2007

Week 36: Sleeping Late...ya right!

So O,

I was thinking the other day that once you join your Mommy and I, I won't be able to sleep late. Funny thing is, I can sleep late now but never do! Anyways, I decided this Saturday I will try to sleep as late as I can, maybe I can make it to 7am! Shocking huh? In other news, last night we had our last visit with Jen, our Labor Support friend. It went well, we asked some questions and I'm so happy she's going to help us with your birth. I also hope that maybe we can talk her up more to other people to get her more clients, it's tough being a Doula where we live.

Last night was also the last night your Titi Tatiana stayed with us. It was nice having her spend a few days with us. I hope she had an ok time. She said she felt comfortable, which is the biggest compliment a guest, even a family one, can pay a host in my opinion. So the learning lesson for you O is that when hosting guests, it's a thin line between offering to do things for them and giving them the freedom to do things themselves, and don't worry if you don't know where the line is because it takes experience to learn.

Tuesday night you, your Mommy, Titi Tatiana, and I watched the movie Favela Rising, a great movie about a person living in a favela in Rio di Janiero that converts from drug trafficker to leader to help bring positive change in his community. Your titi Tatiana liked the movie, which made me happy since I picked it from the video store. Well at work and got to run O. Bye, love you.
