Friday, April 27, 2007

Week 38: Pieces falling into place, like a puzzle

Hi O. It's your Daddy. Sorry I haven't written much of late, but I got good news! I got a new job! Well I got a job offer that is. I hope to have things worked out this weekend to officially accept the offer. I think you'd be proud of me, I hope at least. Just a few months ago I was worried I wouldn't find a job, or not find a job paying enough to take good care of you and your Mommy. Now I've already got a good job, and have a job offer for a better job! Good things happen to good people they say, so I guess I've been doing something right.

In other news, we've packed everything for the hospital for both your Mommy and I, and I have your birthday outfit already picked out, something comfy for me that actually has meaning too! I picked a t-shirt that says CLEO. CLEO stands for Council on Legal Education Opportunity. It was at a CLEO conference that I met your Mommy. I had recently been admitted to law school, the University of North Carolina, and your Mommy was thinking about applying to law schools around the same time.

So CLEO was doing this program that helped admitted law students be successful in law school, and this particular year they had a program for students interested in applying for law school to get into a law school. It's funny, your Mommy and I both lived in Massachusetts but had to go to Atlanta to meet each other! Well, where was I? I had gotten to the hotel where they were doing the conference early and was given this coupon for a free buffet lunch that day at the hotel restaurant. Since the lunch wasn't being served until 11 am I went to get breakfast with another admitted law student I had met at the hotel. After eating breakfast I went back to my hotel room and took a nap. I woke up around 2pm and even though I wasn't that hungry I didn't want to waste the free lunch coupon which was only good for that day until 3pm. So I got up and went downstairs to get a lunch. I get on the elevator and it starts to go down when it stops and guess who gets on? Your Mommy! I thought she was beautiful the second I saw her and didn't waste much time talking to her. I asked her if she was Latina and next thing you know we were both at the lobby and your Mommy was going to get lunch too! We were walking next to each other so when we got to the restaurant the hostess asked how many people would be sitting together and I invited myself to eat with your Mommy. I know it was a little presumptuous but you should have seen her! We chatted a bit over lunch and over the next few days I would see your Mommy here and there but didn't get to really connect with her because we had different schedules because we were in different programs in CLEO.

The day I was leaving to go back home at the airport I saw your Mommy! We exchanged numbers and I couldn't help but think, why would I meet someone right before moving to North Carolina? Was this some cruel joke by some higher being? Well since I had a few weeks left in Massachusetts I did everything possible to see your Mommy as much as I could before leaving and in those few weeks and the months to follow I fell in love with your Mommy. I've always known she was special and being her partner while she's been pregnant with you has only reinforced my view of her!

Well there you have it, a shirt that has some meaning huh? I think it is appropriate to wear when you come out to visit us don't you? Oh on the horizon is a birthday party for me, this Sunday. It's not my birthday for another week but if we wait until then we might be in the hospital with your Mommy giving birth to you! So my family and your Mommy's is coming over this Sunday and I can't wait to see them all! Love you O.
