Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Week 36: Hyper Speed!

Hi O. One month to go! You've been doing great and soon enough we'll finally see you. Things have been crazy. After the baby shower Saturday your Mommy and I took a "day off" of sort, mainly because there wasn't much open on Easter, and watched Babel, a sad but good movie, then yesterday it was back to work, full speed ahead. So much to do and so little time! We've exchanged a bunch of things that were given to us and have purchased more things with money given to us and still have more things to get! Your car seat is in the car, and today I contacted the police to try to set up a time to go over the installation to make sure it's installed properly, to protect your safety.

The apartment hasn't been so messy since we first moved in, but I think after this weekend things should be much better. I hope to have most of your things all set up, but as always don't rush out yet, take your time. Your Mommy has been real great to me of late. I've been trying to do so much and it has been taxing but she helps me keep level during this last rush. I love her so much. Your Titi Tatiana is staying with is for a few days and I hope to hang out a little bit with her before she leaves. I feel bad because we are so busy now, today have an appointment with a Professor and then meeting with our Doula, that I can't spend as much time with her as I'd like, but I know she understands. You know she told me something last night that I thought you should know. She said it was amazing to see the whole family be so excited about you and care so much about your Mommy and I. I have to say I agree with her.

At work now and can't chat for long but love you and I'll do everything in my power to have things ready for you by the time you are expected, in four weeks. And in case you didn't know it, sometimes you move in this position under Mommy's ribs that is discomforting to her, I know you don't mean to bring her any discomfort, only wanted you to know that Mommy understands and is being a real trooper and pushing through it, she cares so much about you that she doesn't complain. Love you O.
