Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Week 35: I can see the light!

Hi O,Hi O, off to work I

Hi O,

It's your Daddy, I'm at work and before I start the day I wanted to take a minute to fill you in on what's been happening in my life of late, and yours as well. Last night I sold this tv unit I had bought in North Carolina that was pretty nice but it was too big to fit in "your room," so I posted it online on Monday and by last night someone had bought it and picked it up. Your Mommy and I have been trying to figure out the best configuration for all the stuff for you, a crib, changing table, etc...and while we had decided on a crib the other night, after reading reviews of it (your Mommy checks things out pretty thoroughly) I think we are leaning toward getting a mini-crib so we have more choices on where to place it in the room. I think the fact I want a changing table in addition to the crib has made me more in favor of a mini-crib, but that's just me. Anyways, the room, and apartment as a whole, is getting real close to being ready for you!

Your baby shower is fast approaching, three days away, and I can't wait to have the families all meet each other! It was pretty nice of your Uncle Johnathan to write a post for you, surprised me a bit if I may say so, but it just goes to show you can't assume anything in life. I'm excited he has children that while a few years older than you, will be the only cousins you have and live not too far away from us.

Monday night your Mommy and I went to the pool at the school she works at and got a nice swim in. It was a nice time and made me think about how much we can do with you this summer! I hope, as does your Mommy, that you like being in the water. Well got to run now so chat later.
