Sunday, April 8, 2007

Week 35: A Smashing Success!

We did it O! Ok well I didn't do much, your Mommy, and more importantly a ton of other people did a bunch, but collectively as a family (your Mommy, you, and I) made it through your baby shower!

It was so nice, wait let me back up a sec...

Friday your Mommy had prenatal massage, came to pick me up in the middle of day from work and we went to a midwife appointment. Your Mommy's blood pressure was a little high so she has to go back Monday, but otherwise you are doing great! As a matter of fact the midwife said you had a great head! Yea! Then your Mommy dropped me off at work and came to visit where I work and meet the people I work with. Everybody was pretty nice to her and it was fun. After work we went to try to get your Mommy a haircut and as she already said there were some issues. You got to see your Lela Carmen and Abuilito Cesar and it was nice.

Ok, now back to Saturday. We woke up did a couple things around the house and then went to get our picture taken with the Easter Bunny. I know it's going to end up online so I might as well take the sting out of it by telling everyone that, yes I sat on the Easter Bunny's lap. I know, laugh if you will but I did it for O.

Moving right along, we went to Babies R Us to get a picture taken of us but it was so busy and we didn't want to be late for our own baby shower! So we're hoping to get it done tomorrow. From the moment we got to the church where the baby shower was everything was so nice. It was nice seeing people from both families, your Mommy's and mine, working together for you! And people were talking to one another and just having a good time. The baby shower was so nice. The food was yummy, the room where it was held was decorated nicely, and there were some fun games that people played, like guessing how big your Mommy's belly is (Mommy said they should have guessed mine, but that's not as much fun).

We got some amazing presents and everybody was so generous. I won't go into too many details because I wouldn't know where to start or end unless I mentioned everything, but let's just say you got a lot more than I ever could have imagined! In addition to all of the presents we also got money and gift cards, so if there was anything else we wanted for you we won't have any problem getting it now. What a relief! Could you imagine that I barely fit all of your presents in the car between tha trunk and back seat! You, and I, are so lucky to be a part of two familes that are so great!

Your Mommy looked so beautiful yesterday, not that she normally doesn't but when the spotlight is on her boy does she do it justice! After all was said and done we helped out your Lela Carmen and Abuelito Cesar clean the place up, after a bunch of other people had been cleaning for some time. And then went to their house for a little while before coming home. It was a long but wonderful day and while thanks are in order to so many people, your Titi Lisa in particular should get credit for planning a wonderful day I won't soon forget. Gracias Lisa.

Today I've been cleaning the apartment since your Titi Tatiana is coming tonight to stay with us for a few nights. Your Mommy has been sleeping for some time now, nothing abnormal about that but just letting you know. Love you O!

(35 weeks, 5 days)