Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Week 36: Wakie wakie

Hi sweetie pie :)

It's 3:04 in the morning and I can't sleep. I decided to go out into the living room so I wouldn't wake up your Daddy. He's not feeling well and might be coming down with a cold. Poor Daddy.

I had a nice day at work yesterday. My coworkers threw me a baby shower. It was so much fun. We played a bunch of games, including one where you had to balance a lime between your legs and then drop it into a cup. There were 3 cups: king, diva, and conservative. The person who was dropping the lime had to choose which one you were going to be. I think king won at the end...we'll see about that. Then we played a game where you had to pop a balloon by sitting on someone and then do what a little piece of paper said to do inside of the balloon. There were things like throw a tantrum, crawl like a baby, etc. The last game was throughout the shower. It was that if you crossed your legs you had to wear a diaper. I think almost everyone ended up wearing a diaper.

After the games I got to open even more presents for you, including a Baby Bjorn carrier that your Daddy wanted, a nursing stool, a stuffed monkey, a teddy bear robe, a free dinner cooked by a coworker, a gift certificate to an ice cream shop in town, and lots of books in both English and in Spanish. How sweet! Then we had yummie Indian food (I got to pick the type of food at the shower) and a really yummie cake. My colleagues are the best.

We were supposed to meet with our doula Jen last night but she had to reschedule because her friend is in the hospital. We're going to meet with her tonight instead. It's our last doula meeting...I can't believe it. I guess after that we'll be "ready" for your arrival. I'm going to try to go to sleep again in a little bit since you're sleeping now. I love you sweetie!

(36 weeks, 1 day)