Thursday, April 5, 2007

Week 35: Busy again

Hi little O :)

Your Daddy and I have been busy again. We visited Lela Carmen and Papa Cesar last night. It was a lot of fun and Mommie went dress shopping with Lela. Clothes look so weird on me right now O. You are sticking out like crazy. That's okay though. Your Papa Cesar got us this video and sound monitor for you. Now we'll be able to watch you if you're ever in another room for us. It's really cute...I can't wait to use it. Thank you Papa Cesar!

We had to get a few things at the mall after work today and then we came home and Daddy had someone pick up another piece of furniture. Your room is getting less full of things by the minute...yay! Your Daddy also got a very cute haircut. We'll post pictures at some point.

Tomorrow I sort of have the day off from work. In the morning I have a prenatal massage then I'm going to go pick up your Daddy from work so we can go to your midwife appointment. Then I'll drive your Daddy back to work and go to my job to drop off my request for maternity leave and probably go into the office to get some work done (I can't stay away!) and then pick up your Daddy and head home and then hopefully relax...yay!

I'm going to go take a shower now and then head to bed sweetie pie. I love you! Can't wait to hear your heartbeat tomorrow.

(35 weeks, 2 days)