Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Week 39: Happy Cumplesemana!

Hi sweetie!

Happy 39th week birthday!!

According to Babycenter, you are ready to greet the world! You continue to build a layer of fat to help control your body temperature after birth, but it's likely that you already measure about 20 inches and weigh a bit over 7 pounds. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.)

Your organs are fully developed and in place, and the outer layers of skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath. You continue to prepare for your grand entrance. Your endocrine system, which is responsible for hormone production, is gearing up for birth. You will secrete more stress hormones during birth than at any other time in your life. Once you're out of the womb, those hormones will help manage your bodily systems without the help of my placenta. These tremendous changes demand lots of effort and energy, but you'll be ready.

Your lungs continue to develop, too, right up until you're born. At the moment, the lungs are still working hard to manufacture surfactant, a substance that helps keep the many air sacs from sticking together when you take your first breath.

Right after that initial deep breath comes a wail worthy of an opera diva. The sound of your crying is a bittersweet experience; while no one likes to hear a child expressing fear or discomfort, a loud cry means you're breathing well. Don't expect to see tears yet; your tear glands won't produce tears when crying until you're a few weeks old. And if you don't let out that hallmark howl, don't fret: Some infants don't cry at birth. The important thing is that breathing gets started.

This is what you look like inside of Mommie this week:

This is what Mommie looks like this week:

I can't believe you're 39 weeks sweetie and that we'll be meeting you (in person) in a week or two. I remember back in September when I found out I was pregnant thinking that May was so far away and here it is!

Today is May 1st, also known as May Day or International Workers' Day. All over the US today there are going to be immigrant rights rallies. Immigrants, especially undocumented individuals, aren't treated very well in this country and the restrictions against them are getting bigger every day. Most of the people in the country you're going to be born in are immigrants, either forcibly or voluntary, except for the many indigenous peoples of the land. Your family is all made up of immigrants to this country with your Daddy's family from Costa Rica and my family from the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. Eventhough your Daddy and I were born with American citizenship as you will be, I hope you remember to look out for all of your brothers and sisters who live in this country without status. Happy May Day sweetie!

Your Daddy and I went to a breastfeeding class last night in Belchertown. It was just us and another pregnant mommie who brought her mommie to the class. We got to see this DVD on breastfeeding and learn about how to attach a baby to your breast. I hope you're a natural sweet pea because it looked a bit complicated to me. I also got to practice nursing a doll but with my belly it was kind of difficult. I think we're all done with classes for now until your arrival. There's a lecture tonight that your pediatrician will be speaking on called, "Kids don't come with instructions but parents have lots of questions." It's geared towards children 2-6 years old and your Daddy and I thought about going but we probably should just relax at home tonight because we've both been very tired lately.

It's time for me to start working so we'll talk later. I love you sweetie!