Thursday, May 10, 2007

Week 40: Midwife appointment

Good afternoon little O :)

This morning we had our midwife appointment. Well, actually it ended up being with an ob/gyn but we went in to get our non-stress test. It's the same type of monitoring they'll do in the hospital so it was nice to know what it will feel like. They put one band around my tummy to monitor uterine activity and another one to monitor your heart rate. You did really well and I even had some contractions during the monitoring which I didn't feel. After that we met with one of the ob/gyns and they did an internal exam (my first one) and found out that my cervix was 3 cm dilated and about 60% effaced. I was kind of suprised because I didn't think much was going on but I guess stuff has been happening.

Your Lela Carmen and Daddy think you'll be born today so we'll see. I'm at work right now trying to get some things done but all I can think about is seeing you! No rush though, come out when you're ready. I love you sweetie.

(40 weeks, 2 days)