Thursday, May 3, 2007

Week 39: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Dear Baby,

Time has gone by so quickly, your birth is one week away-can't wait! This will probably be my last e-mail prior to your birthdate. So will you make an a.m. or p.m. entry? Your mommie was born at 2:30 p.m., but I might have told you this already. I arrived at the hospital at 800 a.m. that day. Your parents will be ready for you at whatever time you decide to arrive, but it would nice if mommie was rested.

I have been suffering from a pain on the left side of my knee (tendinitis). I'm on my third prescription-hope this one takes the pain away. I want to be feel great when I go to see you.

I've gone to two interviews this week. It's a strange feeling, after all these years, answering questions regarding education, teaching and strengths. I was offered a bilingual third grade, which will be about 80% English 20% Spanish. I'm not where I will be working yet, I have about 2 weeks to decide. I need to pray about this, I'll need God's guidance for sure.

Well "Little One" I can truly say I'll see you soon. God be with you until then.

Much love,
Lela Carmen