Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Week 40: Happy Cumplesemana!

Hi O!

I couldn't wait until this day...

Happy 40th week birthday!!!

You're 10 months old!!

Oh my...you are so big sweetie. According to Pampers, you have probably reached your final birth weight and length—the average baby is 7.5 pounds and 20.5 inches long (boys are a bit bigger than girls). Because you've been producing fat over the past few months, 15 percent of your body weight is now from fat, which will help you stay warm in the outside world.

You are curled up tightly inside my uterus. You don't have much choice—it's pretty crowded in there. Even after you're born, your body will stay curled for a few weeks in this fetal position. You've gotten pretty accustomed to keeping your legs and arms snugly tucked.

The rest of you—organs and body systems—are ready for life outside the womb too. You've stored starch in your liver to be made into glucose after birth, and you have extra fluid on board as well. Like a camel, you're well equipped to get through birth and the day after while my breast milk comes in.

This is what you look like inside of Mommie this week:

This is what Mommie looks like this week:

Happy Cumplesemana sweetie! We'll see you soon. Love you!