Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Week 40: Waiting game

Hi sweetie pie :)

How are you doing in there? Are you having fun?

Today I got to see the Dalai Lama! He's so cute and had a lot of great things to say about compassion and forgiveness. It was really beautiful. Of course at the beginning of his talk I started crying because I kept thinking, you might be the Dalai Lama someday. You might be this amazing person that inspires so many people. I kept it together through most of the program though.

Our midwife appointment was changed to tomorrow so we'll be doing the non-stress test in the morning. I hope it doesn't bother you too much sweetie. Daddy is going to give you a pep talk later about it.

What else? Your Daddy and I have been relaxing a bit. We ran a few errands tonight and then got ice cream from Herrell's. Actually I got a spritzer (like a smoothie) and it was sooo good. Then we went grocery shopping and came home. Yesterday we went for a long walk at Look Park.

Apple pie a la mode

I can't fit in the booth!

Daddy with the geese

Daddy doing something

I can't wait to swing you

Sun going down

Everyone is asking me when you're coming and I say when you're ready. Take your time sweetie. Love you!

(40 weeks, 1 day)