Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Birth Week: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Dear World,

A star is born! What joy to know that Octavio has finally arrived healthy, alert, and cute as can be.

On Monday night, Cesar, Titi Jomaira, Titi Lisa and I had the pleasure of meeting Little Octavio. His parents were so tired after the long labor. My lovely daughter was so, so brave. As a mother you wish you could have, in some way, helped ease her labor pains.

Well, I can hardly contain myself with excitement about my grandchild. I got to hold him, smell him, sing to him, and just stare at his beautiful face. Lisa and Jomaira took a few pictures, and the proud grandpa had one blown up. Now every morning I get to see Octavio.

This child has been named Octavio Cesar, what a tribute to an already proud grandpa. Thank you Johanna and Chester! Congratulations to the proud parents, to the Fernandez family on their first grandchild, and to Lisa and Jon on their first nephew.

I thank God for allowing this wonderful miracle to happen and am so thankful that Johanna is doing well. Let's rejoice, along with Chester and Johanna, on this new life.

Happy, happy, joy, joy,
Lela Carmen