Saturday, May 12, 2007

Week 40: Now's good, please.

Little O, where art thou?

There's only so much killing time your Mommy and I can do you know. Actually today has been nice. Like your Mommy said I cleaned the rims on our car, then took it to a car wash and was going to clean the inside but my back was a little sore so I decided to nix that plan. But at least the outside of the car is nice for your first ride home! Then your Mommy and I went for a nice walk. Today was so nice O. The weather was warm but cool, the kind of weather I could live with everyday for the rest of my life. Good basketball playing weather, not too hot you know.

After going for a nice walk and getting some ice cream we walked back home and while your Mommy took a nap I went and got a haircut. Got to look good for you O! Since getting back my trip to get a haircut your Mommy and I have been relaxing. We watched a movie, ate, watched tv, ate more, watched more tv, and ate more! And the eating is not just your Mommy, that has you as an excuse, but me too! As a matter of fact, right now your Mommy and I are watching tv while your Mommy eats! And I'm using the nursing stool, it's pretty comfortable.

I'm hoping to make to make some baked french bread that I made once before for your Mommy and I after finding the recipe online. Well, kinda tired but hope to see you soon, and unlike prior posts where I'd say no rush, please come as soon as you can ok. Love you.
