Friday, May 11, 2007

Week 40: I need to sleep, now!

Hi O.

Naturally right when I'm sick and tired from not sleeping to great the last few nights, we get the news you may be joining us soon, real soon. Since Mommy's last appointment yesterday I've moved to Defcom 2. Which is to say the amount of activity your Mommy and I have has been scaled back, I'm doing more around the house to make sure as much is done before you come, and making sure your Mommy rests more. Yesterday a coworker of mine was so sure you were going to be born they bet me lunch today. Guess what, I just finished my lunch and it was pretty yummy. Thanks O.

I'm not nervous about you joining us, just a little bit anxious, kind of like when you go away somewhere and have your bags packed and are just waiting for the day to come. This time though the trip isn't as far, the hospital is pretty close to where we live. Thanks for being so good about all the exams, I know they must bother you a bit, but you've been great about them. Letting the midwives and yesterday the doctor check everything to make sure you are doing well. Hope this weekend you'll join us and think tonight I might videotape your Mommy I, to not forget these last moments before we became a family. Love you.
