Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Week 1: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Dear Octavio,

It is a beautiful, sunny, May morning and I've decided to write to you. I hear that you are making good progress and adjusting well to your new environment. You are keeping your parents very occupied with feedings, changes, baths, and the best part, just watching the cute faces you make.

I also hear you gained a few ounces which is good news. Your cousins Jalil and Yasmin want to meet you so we have to really try to make that happen. I hope to have Papa Cesar drive me up to see you soon. I want to get a chance to see you often so that you become familiar with me.

Octavio, I noticed that you have found a natural comfort with your finger. Your Uncle Jon used to suck his thumb as a baby. He looked so cute doing that and your photo brought back those fond memories.

Well Little O, I wish you sweet dreams as well as your mommie and daddy. May God keep you all safe.

Much love,
Lela Carmen