Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Week 40: Week 40? No, can't be!

O, you did it! I'm so proud of you. As of yesterday you have 40 weeks in Mommy's belly according to how you were dating by the midwives. In another day you'll have 40 weeks from the date of your conception. So far you've done a great job, of course that means Mommy has been doing great as well to get this far with you. So since it's been a little while since I've written I'll back up a few days or so.

Last Friday I was surprised at my job by my coworkers with a cake and presents for you! Imagine that, I've only been at this job for a little over 3 months, I'm leaving in a few days and they still cared enough about me to plan a surprise baby shower! About 20+ people signed a card for you and there was this huge cake that said congratulations Johanna and Chester. You also got this taggie that is a blanket full of tags, which you and other babies supposedly love.

Sunday, my 29th birthday, I wasn't feeling too great but we still had a wonderful day. But later that night everything went South, quickly. I started to get real cold, although I had a fever, and my stomach was upset. Long story short your Mommy saved the day. She took good care of me and went so far as to go at midnight to get me medicine! I wasn't feeling much better Monday and so I took the day off from work, rented some movies, and stayed at home being taken care of by your Mommy all day. What a life! Sadly I'm feeling much better now. I mean thankfully I'm feeling better. lol.

Today is really nice out and I'm at work but can't wait to get out of here! Got to run, hope you are doing ok.
