Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Week 39: It can't be May already!

Hi O. So it's May 1st! Crazy huh? It seems like just the other day I was preparing to do thanksgiving with your Mommy's family (which by the way was great!) and then moving from North Carolina to Massachusetts (not fun). Your Mommy and I have since done so much to prepare for you! Besides reading about how to care for babies and taking classes as well, we've bought and put together tons of things, and now I got a new job to help cover the costs of your daycare in the near future! That's right O, I got a new job. I'm pretty excited because it's at a nonprofit and think in addition to getting paid a lot more money it will be a lot more fulfilling for me to do this kind of work.

Last night, as your Mommy told you, we went to a breastfeeding class and it was pretty good. The highlight was seeing a video that clearly showed how babies attach to a breast. Before this video it was all kind of foreign to me, like I know it can't be too complicated but there has to be something to it right? I think your Mommy also got a lot out of it too. We got home late and today, like yesterday I'm pretty tired so I'm looking forward to going home and hanging out with you and your Mommy (my best friend) and maybe watching a movie. See you soon O.

Love you.
