Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Week 39: Your home away from home

Hi O. This morning your Mommy and I checked out what will likely be the place you spend most of your days when your Mommy goes back to work three months after you're born. It was so nice O! I think you'll love it! I loved it, and think your Mommy liked it too. The people there were so nice and the infant room, where you'll be, was nice too. They had cribs, toys, little chairs, a fridge and storage of each infant's personal stuff (like your diapers). There was also a little park just outside the room where once the weather gets nice they take children to. They had a playroom with a bunch of fun stuff for you to do and a studio where you'd be able to paint and do other arts and crafts work. The only sad part is that we didn't get five full days for you there, only 3 full and 2 half, so we'll have to work something out to get those half days covered for you. It's kinda crazy because I never would have imagined feeling so comfortable leaving you somewhere as I did there. Hope you like it O.

In other news...wouldn't it be funny if I stop working for you before your Mommy did? Well that's an idea that's on my mind of late because the idea of being at work and getting a call from your Mommy telling me it's time scares me, although my work is closer to where your Mommy works than our home is. I think though that you'll likely come out on May 10th, a Thursday. that's my guess, for the record. But any day now would be good with us. Hope all is well with you in Mommy's belly and see you soon.
