Monday, May 21, 2007

Week 1: Happy Cumplesemana!

Happy 1 week birthday O!!!

I can't believe it's been a week already. This time last week I had just taken a shower and we were moving into a postpartum room. Now you're in your bassinet in our bedroom sleeping. Crazy! At some point this morning you lost your umbilical cord. We haven't been able to find it but it's not there anymore. Maybe it ended up in your diaper? It's too bad because I wanted to keep it. Do you know that your Abuelita Mayela kept her children's umbilical cords in little jars under the sink for years? Isn't that sweet? :)

Well, let's see. Your days these days are mostly napping, nursing, burping, and diaper changes. We're going to try to do some tummie time later today and also give you a bath. Your Daddy's favorite thing that you do right now is when you burp. He's really good at burping you. I'm not that good because I feel bad hitting you on the back. My favorite thing that you do is when you smile when you have gas. You're so cute!

You're taking a nap right now so it's time for us to sleep. Love you sweetie!