Friday, May 4, 2007

Week 39: Beautiful Day

Hi sweet pea :)

I'm going into work late today so I'm still at home gliding on our rocker. I can't believe I'll be rocking you in this chair in a few weeks. I think you'll really like it.

You've been moving around a lot lately. Sometimes I think you're dancing inside of there. Do you have a little baby iPod in there? We another good midwife appointment yesterday. We waited to take my blood pressure until the end of the visit because a lot of times my blood pressure will be a bit high at the beginning of the visit but when they take it again a few minutes later it's back to normal. So we just waited until the end and it was back to my pre-pregnancy blood pressure, it was crazy. Suzanne (the midwife) listened to your heartbeat and said it was beautiful. You stayed still for her so she could get the reading. Thank you sweetie! Your Daddy had talked to you about it before the visit and you listened. Another great thing that happened is that Suzanne said that she would really like to attend our birth and that if she is not on call that we should call her and she gave us her personal phone number. Yay! We love her. She is on call next Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday so we'll see.

Daddy happy at the midwife office

Waiting for the midwife!

Suzanne suggested that Daddy and I go on dates since you'll be here so soon and we won't have time to after you're here. We listened and went to Mama Iguana, a Mexican restaurant in Northampton. Our waitor ended up being a friend of my last roommate so it was nice to see him. We had lots of yummie food and then walked a little bit afterwards. Then we came home and watched Dreamgirls. It was kind of like our first date. :) It was nice to spend time with your Daddy outside of our apartment. It's supposed to be nice today too so maybe we'll walk around again.

Daddy ate lots of chips and salsa

That's a non-alcoholic drink on my left, no worries

I've finished up everything I had to do at work and have passed everything on to others so I'm all ready for you sweetie. I love you!

(39 weeks, 3 days)