Monday, May 7, 2007

Week 39: Daddy is sick

Hi little one :)

Your Daddy and I are both home today because he's sick. Daddy hasn't been feeling well the past few days but last night he got really sick. I got out your first aid kit and took his temperature and it was 100.4 F. Your poor Daddy. He was freezing eventhough he had sweats on and was under covers and felt like he was going to throw up. He woke up this morning and still wasn't feeling well so he called out of work. I decided I was going to stay home too because otherwise your Daddy would not relax and do nothing like he's supposed to. Daddy rented a few movies and is watching them and relaxing. Good Daddy!

Daddy at 3am watching TV

We had another midwife appointment this morning with Suzanne. You weren't very happy with the heart doppler but we finally were able to hear your heartbeat and it was lovely. My blood pressure was low too so things look really good. I have a non-stress test on Friday morning to make sure everything is aokay with you which I'm sure it is.

Mommie at the midwife office

Even when Daddy is sick he still looks cute!

I think I've watched about 3 episodes of a Baby Story, a show that shows mommies giving birth. I can't believe we're going to go through this in a few days. I wonder what you look like little O and what your personality will be like. I love you sweetie!

(39 weeks, 6 days)