Sunday, May 6, 2007

Week 39: Happy Days

Hi sweet pea :)

You're moving around non stop. Are you getting ready to make your entrance?

We just got back from your Daddy's birthday dinner. We went to the Hotel Northampton. It was great because if it's your birthday you get your entree for free. Daddy got some yummie chicken and I got some yummie fish.

Pretty day



This morning we went out for breakfast and then went to see Spiderman 3. I hope the movie theater wasn't too loud for you. It was hard for me to get comfortable but the movie was good.

Yesterday was the Pride festival in Northampton. Your Daddy and I marched in the parade with the Northampton Human Rights Commission. It was a beautiful day and it was good to see so many people out and about.

Marchie march

Lots of people

Daddy with his fried dough

Daddy is sleeping right now because he only got a few hours of sleep last night. He looks so cute. Here, I just took a picture of him and he caught me!

Sleepy daddy

I'm going to go lay down now sweetie. Hope you get some rest. Love you!

(39 weeks, 5 days)