Thursday, May 3, 2007

Week 39: Excited!

Good morning sweet pea :)

I got to sleep in this morning until 8:30am! It was so nice and I feel so much more rested than I did yesterday. It's really pretty out and it's supposed to get into the 70s today so maybe your Daddy and I can go for a walk when we get home.

I really liked touring the Children's Center yesterday. Some of the babies in the infant room were teething so they all got frozen blueberries to eat. They all ended up with blue little faces when they were done. I also got a bit sad because I can't imagine giving you up to another person all day long, even now. But it'll be nice that you'll be around other children including little Sam. In the infant room this year there is a baby who is trilingual. He speaks Dutch, English, and Spanish. Wow! We hope that you'll be bilingual and maybe they'll be other children you can talk with in Spanish in the infant room next year.

I was trying some breathing techniques for labor last night and one of the books said I should hold an ice cube in my hand for one minute and try to do the breathing through the burn. Daddy got his stopwatch out and timed me. I was able to do it but I'm sure it's nowhere near labor pain. It was cute to see Daddy with his stopwatch though. He's so ready for you!

Well, back to work for me. Send your Lela Carmen good thoughts...she has another job interview today! I love you sweetie.

(39 weeks, 2 days)