Friday, November 30, 2007

Week 28: You're all mine!

As of right now Mommie is officially a stay at home mommie! YAY!
(Actually, I have to go into work on Monday and will still be working as a consultant, but still)

I know it won't be easy all the time and that I'm sure I'll miss my job (that I was really good at and felt was making a real difference in the lives of my students) from time to time but I'm so excited little O!

No more crying during drop offs at day care, no more sadness every time I think about you during the day, no more worrying about how strangers are taking care of you, no more wondering if you're okay and having a good day, no more waking you up in the morning to go to school, no more hoping you don't get sick so I don't have to miss work, no more pumping 3-5 times a day, no more only seeing you awake a few hours during the week, no more being stressed out about you not having enough milk, no more having nightmares that one of your teachers is trying to secretly breastfeed you and then trying to kidnap you (I haven't told you about that one, have I?), no more catching colds every day from little babies. No more! This is great!