Sunday, November 18, 2007

Week 26: Pediatrician Appointment

Hi O :)

You had your 6 month well baby visit with your pediatrician on Thursday. You're still huge! 21 pounds (90% percentile) and 27 inches (70% percentile). You got your last round of shots and also a flu shot. I still hope these vaccinations haven't totally screwed up your body & immune system. We'll see.

You're ready for solids but we're going to hold off until you're out of daycare. You can also sit up supported now. Good job little O!

This is not you. They have photos of babies up in the pediatrician's office and Daddy & I thought this baby looked like you.

You received two gifts from your doctor at this visit...a little book and a baby toothbrush

You put everything in your mouth these days

You have to be in your diapers so your doctor can check your joints