Sunday, November 4, 2007

Week 24: Our weekend

Hi sweet pea :)

You're taking your morning nap right now. Yes! Naps are great! Naps mean that you sleep through the night...yay!

Anyhoo, we've been at home all weekend. This is the first time that we've been home for a weekend in a long long time. It's been really nice. On Friday night, you went to sleep mad early so your Daddy and I ate some yummie food and then watched episodes of The Office on my laptop. Good times.

On Saturday, we woke up around 9am and went over Shuli's house. Her partner cooked us yummie brunch and we hung out for a bit. They have a cute little dog and two cats. The dog really liked you but you started getting sleepy so we headed home because we're all about you getting your nap time. Last Saturday you didn't nap at all and it messed up your schedule so much. Your Mommie and Daddy (well, especially your Mommie) need their sleep so we headed home where you fell asleep for a few hours until you were rudely awakened by a car alarm behind our apartment. Poor baby!

After you woke up we headed to BabiesRUs to get you a new stroller and car seat. You've outgrown your infant car seat so we're going to give your travel system to your Titi Tatiana. There are so many car seats to choose from little O! I had read the reviews and safety ratings and all that before we went there but I still was confused. We ended up just getting you a stroller and we're going to keep looking around for a car seat.

You were up a lot last night so I hope you're aokay. I was really tired and I'm starting to get sick so Daddy took care of you all night and would just bring you over to nurse and then take you back. What a sweet Daddy! You're starting to wake up so I'll write to you later. I love you little one!
