Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Week 28: Tooth watch

Hi O :)

We're currently on tooth watch. You've been drooling like crazy lately and seemingly teething for the last two months so we think one of your teeth is about to pop out. I'm so scared about this because I think you're going to bite me...while nursing. Your Daddy & I made a bet. He thinks it'll be the one on your bottom right and I think it'll be the one on your bottom left. We'll see!

In other scary news, your Boppy slipcover has been recalled because of excessive lead paint. Scary! I feel bad because this is the pillow we use when you sleep alone in bed so you won't fall off and you like to put it in your mouth a lot. Poor O! Hopefully they'll send us another one soon but I'm kind of afraid to use their replacement.

Oh yes, and it's 5am and you're awake. Go to sleep little O! We have to be up for work/school soon. Love you!