Thursday, November 29, 2007

Week 28: Oh, Northampton

Hi O :)

We're scheduled to move from Northampton in about a month and this morning I was reminded about something I will miss once we move.

From a Northampton Mommie email list I'm on:

Thu 11/29/07 8:23 AM
Re: Chicken Pox Party!

It's official! Two of our three kids woke up with spots this morning, and Z has a new runny nose (often the first symptom of chicken pox). We are happy to share germs with anyone interested in catching chicken pox. From what I know of this strain (a few cases back) it is a mild strain, no fevers reported in the past few cases, and my kids seem totally fine at the moment. The incubation is generally 10-21 days (for us it was 14 or 15), so if you do expose your kids, they should wake up spotty sometime around December 13th.

Anyway, let me know if you want to come over and play!

Still no tooth, by the way.