Friday, November 30, 2007

Week 28: Sleep

Hi sweet pea :)

Today is Mommie's last day of work...yay! Today seemed so far away when I first put in my resignation letter in 6 weeks ago. It was so hard but I'm glad we made it. Yesterday my coworkers gave me a nice going away party yesterday with lots of yummie Indian food and a gift that you might enjoy, a membership to the Children's Museum in Connecticut.

Still no tooth for you. Your sleeping schedule is crazy at the moment. You slept almost all day at day care yesterday and then came home and slept until 8pm. You're in the mei tei right now and fell asleep when I played some Damien Rice for you so hopefully you'll sleep a bit.

I wanted to talk about how we sleep because I don't want to forget. We have a family bed and you sleep in between Daddy and I usually. Sometimes we're able to put you next to the wall so Daddy and I can sleep next to each other but that's rare.

I love that you sleep with us. I don't know what I'd do if you had to sleep away from me. I really need my sleep little O. I'm not like your Daddy who can sleep a few hours and be okay. I need lots and lots of sleep. When you wake up to nurse I barely wake up since you can latch on by yourself now. You don't even open your eyes most of time and just search around. It's so nice because usually you nurse a bit and then fall right asleep. I love it. It's great.

Lately you've been getting up while you're sleeping and you'll look around and then when you see one of us you fall back asleep. You also like to know that Daddy is around so you'll turn around and touch his face and then go back to nursing. It's so cute.

Anyway, back to sleep. We need to get you back to sleeping at night and being awake during the day. We'll work on that next week, hopefully after this teething business is over.

I love you!
