Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Week 25: Big O

Hi sweet pea! :)

You are too cute. I love looking at you. In the morning when I wake up I usually look at you for a few minutes. It’s one of my favorite parts of the day.

So what’s new…

I had a weird thing happen to me yesterday. I was driving you to school yesterday morning and I looked back in my rearview mirror and saw you but you weren’t a baby you were a college aged kid. You were Octavio but all grown up and home from college. It was so weird! It made me so happy. I can’t believe you’ll be 18 one day (God willing). That’s amazing. I wonder what you’ll be like.

Anyhoo, in other news your cheeks are all dry, rough and red. The doctor said it was because of the cold weather, wind and indoor heat and suggested that we use Dove soap instead of baby soap and to put lotion on your cheeks. I don’t want to use lotion but I’m going to go get you some Dove. My poor fluffies!

You only have a half day at the children’s center on Wednesdays but I hadn’t finished all my work today so I took you back to my office and got some work done. You did such a good job. Thank you little O! Soon we won’t have to do this. I love you!
