Sunday, November 18, 2007

Week 26: ER visit #2

Hi sweetie pie :)

On Wednesday night you fell off the bed and onto our hardwood floors. It was time for you to sleep so I went to put the mei tei on and I couldn't get one of the knots out so I turned around and then I heard this loud thunk on the floor. I couldn't figure out what it was so I looked down and there you were on the floor. :( I have been dreading this day since they day you were born little O. I knew at some point you'd fall or I'd trip or something and I'm surprised it took 6 months for this to happen.

It was so scary O. You just looked up at me for a second and then I lost it. I started crying and screaming and Daddy rushed over from the other room. You were crying a lot but calmed down quickly but I was worried you were really hurt. Your Daddy called your pediatrician and they said that babies fall all the time and that they're usually okay. They said we didn't have to get you looked at unless you threw up more than 3 times and right when she said that you threw up...a lot. Then a minute later you threw up a lot again and the nurse told us we should go to the ER.

We headed out to the ER (your second visit there, your first time was with that nasty viral infection back when you started day care). This visit wasn't so bad. We registered you and they were pretty busy and only had one doctor on call so we waited about 3 hours to be seen. They took your pulse & blood pressure and then a doctor felt your head while you laughed and smiled at him and he told us we could go home. He said we didn't need a cat scan because you were acting normally and not vomiting anymore.

My poor little O. I feel so bad but I think you really are okay. I don't know what I would do without Daddy. I'm usually pretty strong and can handle a lot of things but not when it comes to you. I completely freak out and get so so scared. Your Daddy is so reassuring and calm. We make a good team.

Hope your brain is aokay sweetie

You wanted to go home too

We shared a room with a guy who was having kidney issues

Your name tag

Ready to go home